Celia Wilson
Lecture Six - Controversies
The Re-Presentation of Images - Any collection of photographs is an exercise in surrealist montage and the surrealist abbreviation of history.
Anton Giulio Bragaglia:
Pioneer of Italian Futuristic Photography
Produced futuristic manifestos
Futurists had a passionate loathing of anything old - they admired speed, technology - anything that showed the triumph of technology (humanity) over nature

Brasilia (1890 - 1960)
The Dada Movement:
Anti-war, anti-culture
A reaction to the First World War, began in 1916
Object was to react against the meaninglessness of the modern world
Inspired surrealism, pop art and punk rock

Sex Pistols (1977)
Man Ray:
American by birth, spent most of his career in Paris
Friend of Marcel Duchamp - both discovered photography as a creative medium
Discovered the 'rayograph' (photogram)
Argued that they were the first photographic prints to attain artistic value
Man Ray made the shift from Dada to Surrealism and understood the creative power of photography

Man Ray (1930) Tears