Celia Wilson
Research Task 02 - Key Histories

Floris van Dijck, Still Life Breakfast
(Oil on Canvas)

Laura Letinsky, #60 (little candles – Chicago) (C-Print)
Floris van Dijck:
Born: 1575 in the Netherlands
Died: 1651 in the Netherlands
Was a Dutch Golden Age still life painter
Laura Letinsky:
Born: 1962 in Canada
Is a Canadian contemporary photographer
BFA from the University of Manitoba, 1986
MFA from Yale University’s School of Art, 1991
(Letinsky, n.d)
Mediums Used:
Dijck's oil on canvas measures at 82.2 cm x 111.2cm.
As it was made using traditional oils, it took 1-3 weeks to dry.
(Rijks Museum, n.d)
Letinsky's print is a large format digital C-print which measures at 29.2 x 37 inches.
When making C-prints, the material is exposed using lasers or LED lights and create full colour photographic prints.
C-print stands for Chromogenic colour prints.
How the painter influenced the photographer:
"I began to think about the idea of leftovers. It becomes important for me on a number of levels, because it has to do with what you do after the promise, when you realise the promise is not possible."
(Julie Farstad, 2004)
Similarities and Differences:
Within the two images you see a table one with an abundance of food the other only and empty ice-cream glass and some confetti, one is high key while the other is low. The two images show how a table would looking in the time it is set. The one by Floris Van Dijck shows a table how a tabled would be laid out in the early 1600’s while the image by Letinsky shows the table after the meal and represents the life style of the 2000’s. The two images both represent the life styles of the time and how we look at food now compared to then. Another similarity is the table cloth, in the 2000’s clothes weren’t looked as something that could show class you can see this from the state of the table and the white table cloth, whereas the table cloth on the still life breakfast shows how they were all about statues and to show this they make sure they owned rich materials decorated with gold etc.