Celia Wilson
Lecture one - Module Introduction
70% = Group Project
30% = Individual Critique
Group Project (70%) - Change of State:
Task - produce a body of work that reflect the themes covered in this module. [In our case, 4 images on a chosen topic]
Individual Critique (30%):
Task - participate in an online blog, here you should post work as it happens - reflection of progress. Made on Wix and submitted via Turnitin.

How do we read this photograph?
- We read an image as a photo and not as text.
- It involves a series of ambiguous and often contradictory meanings and relationships between the reader and the image.
- We call this critical discourse.
How do we read images?
When we look at an image, we engage in a series of complex readings, which relate as much to the expectations and assumptions that we bring to the image as to the image itself.
- Graham Clarke